Complicators and Simplifiers


Here are a few hints to make your life less complicated and simplify your code.





1.       Option Explicit


  1. Variables, Constants


  1. Types


  1. Subs, Functions, Properties, Enums, Types and Event Declarations


  1. Numeric API Constants


  1. Conditions


  1. String-returning Intrinsic Functions


  1. Loops


  1. Withà End With


  1. Default Properties


  1. GoTo


  1. Error Handling


  1. Encapsulation


  1. Code Size


  1. The Stack


  1. Tables, Arrays


  1. Strings in VB


  1. Collections (including an excursion to objects)


  1. Data Structures


  1. The API (Application Program Interface)



Option Explicit


Use it, use it, use it! There is an option under Extras|Options in the Editor tab û itÆs called Variable Declaration Required and if you checkmark that VB will automatically insert that line for you. If this option is on VB will force you to declare all variables by name (unfortunately not by scope and type also)á and will check that the name is declared when you use it in your code. It will even correct the case (upper or lower) for you. Without his option variables are declared when you first use them and very probably not by the type that is most appropriate; and misspelling a variable name goes by unnoticed by VB and will cause you a lot of trouble locating where VB used the misspelled variable instead of the one you meant.


Variables, Constants


One per line, always with type (not type suffix) and scope, constants too have a type and a scope. And Integers are out since we live in a 32-bit world and memories are huge; the unit of transfer between memory and CPU is 32 bits, shorter values will have to be masked and perhaps shifted into place, making them slower to handle. This is particularly true for theá As Byte type.


Local variables (Dim) are declared at the top of each module; these are not procedural statements and putting them into any kind of condition does not keep them from being allocated on the stack.á What ôthe Stackö is will be explained further down.


If Name = ôUlliö then

ááá Dim MiddleName As String

ááá MiddleName = ôTheophrastosö

End If


MiddleName is declared and allocatedá anyway, not just for people called Ulli; the reader of your code however may not notice that a local variable of that name exists in the moduleà.


áá Dim i As Long


áá For i = 1 To 100

ááááááá Dim j As Long

ááááááá j = j + 10

áá Next i


ànor will it allocate a table or array, or reset the value to itÆs default during each iteration.á


If you squeeze more than one variable declaration into one line then make sure that each and everyone is declared áAs [Type] because VB does not (repeat NOT) behave like Pascal or C where one type declaration is valid for all preceding names; in VB all but the last would in fact be defaulted toá Variants.


Do not use Variants unless you have a very good reason to use them. Un-typed variables (and Functions, see below) default to Variants (see above) and these will be coerced (forcibly converted) into the proper type every time you use them, making your code unnecessarily slow.




All variables and constants have a typeá which describes the way the variable or constant is stored in your program. There are nineá basic types in VB as shown:




Stored internally in

Type and Range of Values

1.     Long

32 bits

numeric;á -2,147,483,648á to +2,147,483,647

2.     Integer

16 bits

numeric; -32,768 to + 32,767

3.     String

variable depending on contents

alphanumeric;á contains Unicode characters

4.     Currency

64 bits

numeric, -922,337,203,685,477.5808 to +922,337,203,685,477.5807

5.     Single

32 bits

numeric;á -3.402823e38 to -1.401298e-45;áá

á 0;áá

+1.401298e-45 to +3.402823e38

6.     Double

64 bits

numeric;á -1.79769313486232e308 to -4.94065645841247e-324;

áá 0;

á+4.94065645841247e-324 to +1.79769313486232e308

7.     Byte

8 bits

numeric; 0 to 255

8.     Date

64 bits

(see Double) The value to the left of the decimal point represents a date, and the value to the right of the decimal point represents a fraction of a day, i.e. a time.

9.     Variant

variable depending on contents


there are more which are not quite so basic


You can also define your own Types by using Enumerations. Try this:


Private Enum Rating

ááá Excellent = 1

ááá [Very Good] = 2

ááá Good = 3

ááá [Quite Good] = 4

ááá Satisfactory = 5

ááá [Below Average] = 6

ááá Poor = 7

ááá [Very Poor] = 8

End Enum


(note the square brackets around some of theá Enumá members û can you work out why they are necessary?)


Private PupilsRating As Rating



Then in your code enter:


PupilsRating =


and see what happens.


Subs, Functions, Properties, Enums, Types and Event Declarations


They also have a scope, and Functions and Property GetÆs have a type. Do not use aá Function unless it returns a value. Inside the function itÆs name can be used just like a variable, you donÆt have to assign the function value to a variable first and the assign that to theá Function.




Private Type tPoint

ááá Xáááááááááá As Long

ááá Yáááááááááá As Long

End Type



Private Type tRect

ááá TopLeftáááá As tPoint

ááá BottomRight As tPoint

End Type


Private MyRectá As tRect


Private Function MakePoint(newX As Long, newY As Long) As tPoint


ááá With MakePoint

ááááááá .x = newX

ááááááá .y = newY

ááá End With


End Function



Private Function MakeRect (l As Long, t As Long, r As Long, b As Long) As tRect


ááá With MakeRect

ááááááá .TopLeft = MakePoint(l, t)

ááááááá .BottomRight = MakePoint(r, b)á

ááá End With


End Functiom




MyRect = MakeRect(17, 44, 64, 88)


will create a rectangle with the four corners at coordinatesá (17, 44),á (17, 88),á (64, 88),á (64, 44). Take your time now to work out why and how this is so and understand the principle behind it.



Numeric API Constants


ItÆs a good idea to put them all in an Enumeration


Private Enum ApiConst

ááá WM_KEYDOWN = &H100

ááá WM_KEYUP = &H101

ááá WM_CHAR = &H102

ááá WM_HSCROLL = &H114

ááá WM_VSCROLL = &H115

ááá WM_LBUTTONUP = &H202




End Enum


That makes themá Longá (the type the API is expecting in most cases) because all variables inside aná Enum areá Long by default. Enums have the nasty effect however not to be case-persistent; when you type them differently (different upper/lower case) then that will change the declaration. A ôbizarre hackö, as Vlad called it, will overcome that VB-bug though; repeat the names inside a false conditional compilation bracket:


#If False Then æthis will not be compiled


#End If


UlliÆs Code Formatter orá RogerÆs Code Fixer will do that for you.


What ôthe APIö is will be explained in later tutorial.




VB has an expression evaluator (a piece of coding inside VB to work out what the result of an expression is) and every expression is presented to it. It evaluates the expression and returns an intermediate result of a type deemed best according to the type of variables present in the expression. This result is then presented to the receiver; this may be a variable, a property, an object or it may be the If function itself. Some receivers accept the result as it is, with others there is a type coercion necessary. In case of If it is coerced to a Boolean type unless it is already aá Boolean. Variables which can be compared to True or False are already Booleans,á comparisons however return Booleans; so there is no need to compare them in the first place.


If Control.Enabled = True Then is a pleonasmá and it is sufficient enough to write If Control.Enabled Then


As a matter of fact every numeric variable is also coerced to the receiver type if necessary and in the case of If a numeric will be coerced to a Boolean. Remember that zero is False and everything else is True. So any numeric variable can also be presented to an If and is coerced accordingly.

The opposite is also true, any Boolean (where True is represented byá û1 and False by 0) can be coerced to a numeric type, even a Boolean returned from the expression evaluator, so


i = i û (i < 3)


will subtractá ( û1)á from iá (that is: add 1)á if i is less than 3á and do nothing if not.


The reason for these truth values by the way is that theá Not operator switches all bits to the opposite state and therefore 0 becomesá û1 and vice versa, makingá Not True = False andá Not False = True.


Here is another example:


Sub Something


ááá If a <> 3 Then Exit Sub

ááá Code

ááá More Code


End Sub


áIf you reverse the condition the code will look much nicer:


Sub Something


ááá If a = 3 Then

ááááááá Code

ááááááá More Code

ááá End If


End Sub


Always use the multiline version ofá If û Then - Else û End If


If SomeCondition Then

ááá TruePartááá

á Else

ááá FalsePart

End If


If a conditional statement becomes too complicated remember there is the Select û Case û End Selectá structure. And thatÆs much more flexible than If, because the Case allows single values, multiple values, value ranges, equalities and inequalities and a mixture of these. Eachá comma represents an implicitá Or













are all legal syntax, and code like


If SomeVariable = 1 Or _

áá SomeVariable = 3 Or _

áá SomeVariable = 5 Or _

áá SomeVariable > 6 And SomeVariable < 11 Then

ááá do something

á Else

ááá do some other thing

End If


caná be replaced by


Select Case SomeVariable
á Case 1, 3, 5, 7 To 10

ááá do something

á Case Else

ááá do some other thing

End Select



Conditional expressions, like any other expression, have an operator precedence and you should use brackets only to alter the normal precedence ; Andá andá Or are operators andá Andá precedesá Or. If û in rare cases - you think that dispensable brackets could clarify the meaning of a conditional expression then use them for the sake of readability.


There is no short-circuiting in VB, meaning that the whole Boolean expression is always evaluated, even if it is clear before the end of the expression what the final result of the evaluation will be:


Givená Var1 = 3 andá Var2 = 5


If Var1 = 4 And Var2 = 18 then


After evaluating Var1 it is clear that the final result will beá False, Var2 however will nevertheless also be evaluated. If you want to omit unnecessary evaluations change the code to:


If Var1 = 4 Then

ááá If Var2 = 18 Then



Return Values of API Calls and Intrinsic Functions


Almost all API calls return a value but most of the time you donÆt need that. Even if the prototype is defined as a function you would use it like you would use a Sub.


Public Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As Any) As Long


SendMessage hWnd, nMsg, wParam, ByVal lParam


is legal in spite of the fact that SendMessage is declared as function.


If you have to use the return value of a function in another function then chain them:


Private Declare Function LoadCursor Lib "user32" Alias "LoadCursorA" (ByVal hInstance pportEmptyParass=MsoBodyText style='text-align:jmso0usent-size: 9.0pt;font-family:Arial&quAlias "LoadCursorA" (ByVal hInstance pportEmptyParass=MsoBodyText style='text-align:jmso0usent-size: 9.0pt;is le uotras (ByVal hInstance pportEmpb>á Case 1, 3, 5, 7 To 10

i = i û (i < 3)

If you have to use the return value of a function in another function then chain them:

á Case 1, 3, 5, 7 To 10

<(>  Wg idi-fosfmb>


Sub Something

Private Declare Function LoadCursor Lib "user32" Alias "LoadCursorA" (ByVal hInstance pportEmptyParass=MsoBodyText style='text-align:jmso0usent-size: 9.0pt;font-family:Arial&quAlias "LoadCursorA" (ByVal hInstanct-family:Arial;mso-ansi-language: EN-US'> 

cbodfont-size:10.0pt;mso-bidi-font-size:9.0pt;font-family:Arial; mso-ansi-language:EN-US'>h]>&nTnBer lpacerun: yes">á
Case Else

Case 1, 3, 5, 7 To 10


Case 1, 3, 5, 7 To 10

<(>  Var1 = 3 Sub Sothe expression what theylec5ent-style:normal'>SendMessage hWnd, nMsg, wParam, ByVal lParam

áá Var1 = 3  

<10.0pt;mso-bidi-font-sizal style='margin-left:31.5pt;text-align:justify'>d/t-;teNew"; mso-ansit-familFS'>>á Case 1, 3, 5, 7 To 10

>á Case 1, 3, 5, > ;mbtgb


    cbodf0usit-stylaUS'><(> Var1 = 3 Vaso-bidi-font-size:9.0p_ae:9.x

    Case 1, 3, 5, 7 To 10Vaso-bidi-font-size:9.0p_ae:9.x

    >á Case 1,23>á

    &nbsnguage:EN-USVoe='fona>&nbsnguage:EN-USVoe='fona>&nbsnguage:EN-USVoe='fona>&nbsnguage:EN-USVoe='fona>&nbsnguage:EN-USVoe='fona>&nbsnguage:EN-USVoe='fona>&nbs Nec_la ngu al hInstance pportEmptdofy;text-indent:18.iS'>-ay3Imisá

    <:pressiot'>&nbsnguage:EN-USVoe='fona>&nbsnguage:EN-USVoe='fona>&nbsnguage:EN-USVoe='fona>&nbsnguage:EN-USVoe='fona>&nbsnguage:EN-USVoe='fona>&nbs Nec_la ngu al hInstan


    &nbsnguage:EN-USVoe='fona>&nbsnguage:EN-USVoe='fona>&nbsnguage:EN-USVoe='fona>&nbsnguage:EN-USVoe='fona>&nbs Nec_la ngu al hInstan&nbsnguage:EN-USV.onSVoe='fonaSDly:Arial;ms,naccHs6a class=MsoBodyText stE:12.0c seee=MsoBodyText style='text-align:justify'>&nbsnguage:EN-USVoe='fona>&nbsnguage:EN-USVoe='fona>&nbsnguage:EN-USVoe='fona>&nbsnguage:EN-USVanls--USy3Imisá &nbsnguage:EN-USVoe='fona>&nbs Nec_la ngu al hInstan msku alnguaguial;mso-ansi-language: EN-US'> 



    Case 4, 5, 7

  • &b>

  • &nbsnguage:EN-USVoe='fona>&nbsnguage:EN-Ug S'ire hWnd, nMsg, wier New"; mso-ansi-la-font-sizsoNe pportEmpb>á Case 1, 3, 5, 7 To 10
  • &nbsnguage:EN-USVoe='fonte>Case 1, 3, 5, 7 To 10á Case 1, 3;csa'aidiszsa'aidiszsa'aidiszsa'aidiszsa'aidiszsa'aidiszsa'aidiszsa'aidiszsa'aidiszsa'aidiszsa'aidiszsa'aidiszsa'aidiszsa'aidiszsafy;tab-stops:113.25pt'>Case 1, 3, 5, 7 To 10

    <(> >á Case 1, 3, 5, 7 To 10. If û in rare cases - you think that dispensable brackets could clarify the meaning of a conditional expression then use them for the n =panmi3, 5,hInstance pportEmptyParass=MsoBodyText style,2s.0pt;mse it like you would u-ansi-la-font-sizsoNe pporxtsyMso tsyMs > msku alnguaguial;mso-ansi-language: EN-US'> 

    cbodf0usit-stylaUS'>á Case Else

    If Var1 = 4 And Var2 = 18 then

     Case 1, 3, 5, 7 To 10

    >á Case 1, 3, 5, 7 To 10

    <(> &nbsnguage:EN-Ug S'ire hWnd, nMsg, wier New"; mso-ansi-la-font-sizsoNe pportEmpb>If Var1 = 4 And Var2 = 18 then

     Case sl"uage: EN-US'>Var1 = 3 andá re hW hIg S'ire hW hIg Sre hW hIg S'ire lertEmMsg, wi2

    If SomeVariable = 1 Or _

    &nbsnguage:EN-USVoe='fona>sb>Sub Sothe expression what theylec5ent-style:normal'>SendMessage hWnd, nMsg, wParam, ByVal lParam

    sb>Sub Sothe expression what theylUSVoe='fona>&nbsnguage:EN-USVoe='fona>&nbsnguage:EN-USVoe='fona>&nbs Nec_la ngu al hInstance pportEmptdofy;text-indent:18.iS'>tyle='ab-st .ze:9rIg SfbIndent2>ááá do something

    are operators andá Andá If SomeVariable = 1 Or _

    &nbsnguage:EN-USVoe='fon xn clat style=oba'aidi-eUS>If Var1 = 4 And Var2 = 18 then ly:Arial'> are operators and

    v'>If Var1 = 4 And Var2 = 18 then

     Case sl"uage: EN-US'>Case sl"uage: EN-US'>Case sl"uage: EN-US'>ly:Arial'> are operators andCase 4, 5, 7

  • á Andá w"; mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mlanguage:EN-US'>á And < mso-a>< mso-a>

    < mso-a>< mso-a>

    And/span>Case sl"uage: EN-US'>Case sl"uage: EN-US'> a.iS'>Cdhvfont-size:9.0pt;font-family:"Courier Netalle="mso-spa0p_sHign:jelRext style='text-align:jmso0usent-s>

    <:pressiot'>&nbsnguage:EN-USVoe='fona>&nbsnguage:EN-USVoe='fona>&nbsnguage:EN-USVoe='fona>&nbsnguage:EN-USVoe='fona>&nbsnguhe ft stylmso-a>le= n. t-family:"Courier Netalle="mso-spa0p_sHign:jelRext style='text-align:jmso0usent-s>

    msku alnguaguial;mso-ansi-language: EN-US'>< msbsngso-a>< msbsngso-a>< msbsngso-a>< msbsngso-a>< msbsngso-a>< msbsngso-a>< ms/sp&nbsnguage:EN-USVoe='fona>&nbsnguhe ft stylmso-a>le= n. t-family:"Courier Netalle="mso-spa0p_sHign:jelRext style='text-align:jmso0usent-s>

    /span>/span>>á Anpan Æ1i".6ntcElEmpb>/span>< mso-a>< mso-a>< !su.nt-faa>/span>< mso-a>< mso-a>< !su.nt-faa>/span>f Var1 = 4 And fona>&ttyle='margin-left>

    cbodf0usit-stylaUS'>Anpan Æ1i".6ntcElEmpb>/span>< mso-a>< mso-a>-faapt;mso 9.0pt;font-fayf9.0pt;font-family:Arial'>< mso-a>< mso-a>-faapt;mso 9.0pt;font-fayf9.0pt;font-family:Arial'> - you think that dispensable -fayf9-styla'aidiszsa'aidiszsa'aidityle= ]>&nbsle='font-faK>< mso-a>< mso-a>-faapt;mso 9.0pt;font-fayf9.0pt;font-family:Arial'>< mso-a>< mso-a>-faapt;mso 9.0pt;font-fayf9.0pt;font-family:Arial'> - you think that dispensabl9.0p utEmpb>sh t-family:Arial'>. If û in rare cases - you think that dispensable brackets could clarify the meaning7zpan lang=EN-US style='font-size:familsjustl- thUS styl< mBf8 it;font-fayf93-;teNew"; m= n< mso-a>< mso-a>-faapt;mso 9.0pt;font-fayf9.0pt;font-family:Arial'> - you think that dispensabl9.0p utEmpb>sh t-family:Arial'>. If û in rare cases - you û in r.ifl6flfnts t ssio:slSlang=EN-US styl - you think that dispensabl9.0p utEmpb>sh t-family:Arial'>. If û in rare cases - you û in r.ifl6flfnts t ssio:slSlang=EN-US styl - you think that dispensabl9.0p utEmpb>sh t-family:Arial'>. If û in rare casespstyw;fonD - you think that dispensabl9.0p utEmpb>sh t-family:Arial'>. If û in rare cases - you û in r.ifl6flfnts t ssio:slSlang=EN-US styl - you think that dispenee/span>< mso-a>< mso-a>-faapt;mso 9.0pt;font-fayf9.0pt25i1idiszsa'aidiszsa'aidisso-a>-tstan<æng=EN-US style=';shcoulou.nts tstan<æng=EN-Ustyle> - you thinpan lang=EN-US style='font-faK>< msohat theylec5ent-style:normal'>SendMessage hWnd, nMsg, wParam, ByVal lParam

    -tstan<æng=EN-US style=';

    >á Case 1, 3, 5, > ;mbtgb

    >á Case 1, 3, 5, > ;mbtgb

    á g S'1gss=di>á AndCase 1, 3, 5, 7 To 10

    w"; mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< m6left>>á Case 1, 3pea<-famt =Ms6>á Casso-ansiMaansi-lale='font-size:10.0pt;msosizsoNe pportEmpb>/spa;pan lang=EN-US stylSf Var1 = 4 And fona>&ttyle='margin-left>Cas Æ1i".6ntcElEmpb> ;mbtgb c4i-font-size:9.0p_ae:9.x

    < msouotre='fona>&-ansit-familFS'>>á Case 1, 3, 5, > ;mbtgb

    Cas Æ1i".6ntcElEmpb> ;mbtgb c4i-font-size:9.0p_ae:9.x

     Case 4, 5, 7

    < ma>< msouotre='fona>&-ansit-familFS'>>á Case 1, 3, 5, > ;mbtgb

    á &namily:Arial'> are op to > ;mn

    Case 1, 3;csa'aidiszsa'aidiszsa'aidiszsa'aidiszsa'aidiszsa'aidiszsa'aidiszsa'aidiszsa'aidiszsa'aidiszsa'aidiszsa'aidiszsa'aide< mso-a>< !su.nt-faa>/span>

    cbodf0usit-stylaUS'>&namily:Arial'> are op to > ;mn

    porto-;tr2 are op to in-top:0cm' type=disMessage hWnd, nMsottops:rf ststyldif]dif]dit'>á g S'1gss=di>á And e='.cts top toV g, wParam==ilFS'>>á Case 1, 3, 5, > ;mbtgb

    >diszsa'aidiszsa'aidiszsa'aidiszsafynt-sizertEmpsUg S'ire hWnd, nMsg, wier New"; msgn:justi h>w"; mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>>< m'f='f>f < mso-a>< mso-a>< m2re op to ><.ont-size:10.0pt;mso-bidi-]sa'aidiszsa'aidiszsa'aidiszsa'aidiszsa'aidiszsa'aidiszsa'a/ansi-la-font-sizsoNe epl hInstan"uageup-USpal sá stylang=EN-US styx1/ansimsgn:justi h>w"; mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>>< m'f='f>f < mso-a>< mso-a>< m2re op to ><.ont-size:10.0pt;mso-bidi-]sa'aidiszsa'x S'ire hW3pan>Cas Æ1i"t;msa'aidiszsa'aidiszsa'aidiszsa'aidiszsa'aidiszsa'aidiszsa'aide&nbsngua>"p_a-USVoys&nb1-a>< sa'ai:slSop to in-top:0cm' type=disMessage hWnd, nMsottops:rf ststyldif]dif]dit'>>á Case 1, f]dieop Ne epl hInstan&nbsnguage:EN-USVoe='fona>&nbsnguhe ft stylmso-a>le= n. t-family:"Courier Netalle="mso-spa0p_sHign:jelRext style='text-align:jmso0usent-s>

    c family:"Courier Netalle="mso-spa0p_sHign:jelRext style='text-align:jmso0usent-s>

    < mso-a>< ch=oi s-align:jmso0usent-size: 9.0pt;font-famrl.iS'>>á Case 1, f]dieop Ne epl hInstan&nbsnguage:EN-USVoe='fona>&nbsnguhe ft stylmso-a>sNe epl hInstaná &astanw"; mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>t-;tesa'aidiszsi'fona>&nbsnguh.:11aXioYep&nbl hIns">á &astan

    <(> w"; mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>t-;tesa'aidiszsi'fona>&nbsnguh.:11aXiosass=Ms'>>á >á ástan&nbsnguage:EN-USVoe='fona>&nbsnguhe ft stylmso-a>le= n. t-family:"Courier Netalle="mso-spa0p_sHign:jelRext style='text-align:jmso0usent-s>

    -sÆxt style='text-align:jmso0usent-s>

    -sÆxt style='text-align:jmso0usent-sPsssa'aiddre cn:jmso0usent-s>

    < mso-aean>&namily:Arial'>ss=a>le=1o-a>-sÆxt style='text-align:jmso0u

    &namily:Arial'>ss=a>le=1o-a>-sÆxt style='text-align:jmso0u

    &namily:Arial'>ss=a>le=1o-a>-sÆxt style='text-align:jmso0u

    ;mbtgb c4i-font-size:9.0p_ae:9.x

    aaean>&namily:Arial'>ss=a>left a>&&nbsnguhe(2ment2so-S'1gss=di>á Andsm x.eNs.:11aX t'>

    < mso-aean>&namily:Arial'>ss=a>le=1o-a>-sÆxt style='text-align:jmso0uMle='font-size:10.0pt;msosi;temsosti h>w"; mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>t-;tesa'aidiszsi'fona>&nbsnguh.:11aXioYep&nbl hIns">á á le=1o-a>-sÆxt style='text-align:jststyldif]dif]dit'>>á Case 1, f]dieop Ne epl hInstan&nbsnguage:EN-USVoe='fona>&nbsnguhe ft stylmso-a>sNe epl hInstan&nbsnguhe ft stylmso-a>sNe epl hInstaná Case 1, 3;csa'aidiszsa'aidiszsa'aidiszsa'aidiszsa'aidiszsa'aidiszsa'aidiszsa'aidiszsa'aidiszsa'aidiszsa'aidiszsa'aidiszsa'aidiszsa'aidiszsafy;tab-stops:113.25pt'>á Cs>

    Var1 = 3 and ;mbtga'aidi'foco .x<'>. Isa:E='font.xá 82S'ire hWá Andsm x.eNs.:11aX t'>

    g=aac_idiszs='texppporsh t-family:Arao0usegl opa, tvl opabe.0pp e lsHigUS"; :jesop Ne epl hInstanSub Sotheax

    &nbsnguhe ft stylmso-a>sNe epl hInstan/span>< mso-aean>&namily:Arial'>ss=a>le=1o-a>-sÆxt style='text-align:jmso0u

    &namily:Arial'>ss=a>le=1o-a>-sÆxt style='text-align:jmso0u

    &namily:Arial'>ss=a>le=1o-a>-sÆxtm=1o-a>-sÆxt style='text-align:jmso0u

    &namily:Arial'>ss=ahR(BoEUS stl)nt-fale='wore hW hIg S'ire hW hIg S'ire hW,h, c>/span>< mso-anNes eNs. BysdS'>Var1 = 3 < mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>t-;tesa'aidiszsi'fona>&nbsnguh.:11aXioYep&nbl hIns">á á Case 1, 3, 5, 7 To 10

    &nbsocusParaBodyTesPr .x

    á Case 1, 3, 5, 7lese 1, 3, 5, 7 To 10

    &nbsocusParaBodyTesPr .x

    Case 1, 3, 5, 7 To 10

    < mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>>< m'f='f>f < mso-a>< mso-a>< m2re op to >/span>>< m'f='f>f < mso-a>< mso-a>< m2re op to >Case sl"uage: EN-US'>ly:Arial'> are operators and< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>>< m'f='f>f < mso-a>< mso-a>< m2re op t < mso-t style='text-al2s 5sizsoNe pportEmpb>/span>>< m'f='f>f < mso-a>< mso-a>< m2re op to >mso< mso-a>< mso-a>< m2re op to >&namsc h2 sec le='.6nt<1aXio R(BoNe='fontso0;,I0ptamso-s.:1h saaean>&namsc h2 sec le='.6nt<1adnsdont-famÆhM"; mssz-a>mso< mso-a>< mso-a>< m2re op to >á < elRext < elRext < elRext < elRext < elRext < elRext < elRext Var1 = 3 andCase 1, 3, 5, 7 To 10

    &nbsocusParaBodyTt8eannq ppety:Arao0use lt2>< elRext >< m'f='f>f < mso-a>< mso-rnop_sHign:jelRext /span>&nbsngua>"p_a-USVoysVar1 = 3 < mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso r'>Var1 = 3 < mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso r'>1op to >/span>Case 1, f]dieop Ne epl hInstan&nbsnguage:EN-USVoe='fona>&nbsnguhe ft stylmso-a>le= n. t-familao-anNN-US s-a>miedy agn: !sea>< msb, la)eb, la)eb, afamilfamÆr3

    á 82S'ire hW R(BoNs.:s-spacerunsdy agn: !sea>< msb, la)eb, la)eb, afamilfamÆr3

    <= n. t-family:"Courier Netalle="mso->< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< m6left>

    <= n. a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< m6left>

    R(BoNs.:s-spacerunsdy agn: !sea>< msb, la)eb, la)eb, afamilfamÆr3

    < ma>< msouotre='fona>&-ansit-familFS'>>á Case 1, 3PBoNs.:jelR-'>< ma>< msouotre='fona>&-ansit-familFS'>>á Case 1, 3PBoNs.:jelR-'>< ma>< msouotre='fona>&-ansit-familFS'>>á Case 1, 3PBoNs.:jelR-'>< ma>< msouotre='fona>&-ansit-familFS'>>á CaselsmÆr3 p =S.6nt ma>< msot-.E class=MsoBot-align:jmso0usent-size: 9.0pt;font-famrl.iS'>< ma>< mso< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< m6left>< < m-faapt;m.nsi-la-font-sizsoNe ass=MsoBodyTexn. pt;fospan>

    f < mso-a>< mso-a>< m2re op to >mso< mso-a>< mso-a>< m2re op to >&namily:Arial'>ss=a>le=1o-a>-sÆxstyle: normal'>Var1 = 3 /spa;pan>b/span>ont-faNew"; mso-ansit-fepl hInstan&nbsnguage:EN-USVoe='fona>&nbsnguhe ft stylmso-a>sNe epl hInstaná

    <= n. a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< m6left>< ma>< msouotre='fona>&-ansit-familFS'>>á CaselsmÆr3 p =S.6nt ma>< msot-.mle='n>"e='fona>lclasslnru>ss=a>le=1o-a>-sÆxstyle: normal'>Var1 = 3 /spa;pan>b/span>ont-faNew"; mso-ansit-fepl hInstan&nbsnguage: iS'>< mso-anNes eNs. BysdS'>Var1 = 3 < mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>t-;tesa'aidiszsi'fona>&nbslio R(amil mso-a>< m2re op to >< mnsa:EN-USVoe='fona>&nbsnguage:EN-USVoe='fona>&nbsnguage: iS'>< mso-anNesLt-;teNs.Æ< ma>&nbslis.:1i>:9.0pt;font-family:Arial'>ds(aar1 = 3 < mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>t-;tesa'aidiszsi'fona>&nbslio R(amil mso-a>< m2re op to >ds(aar1 = 3 < mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>t-;tesa'aid= Bot-5r

    <) nM"; msszsaa'i lang=EN-US style='font-family:"Coh2 sec le='.6nt<1aXio R(BoNe='fontso0;,I0ptamso-s.:1 anre c , n>< mnsa:EN-USVoe='foUSVoe='fona>oh2 sec leh(BoNs.:11aXio R(BoNs.:11aXio R(BoNsulxe9.0pt;font-family:Arial'>ds(aar1 = 3 < mnsa:EN-Ugn:j6(mily:AriaUSVoe-family:Arials-faK>>diszsa'aidiszsa'aidiszsa'aidiszsafynt-sizertEmpsUg S'ire ha><< msouotre='fona>&-an_lotre=:11aXio R(BoNsulxe9.0pt;font-family:Arial'>ds(aar1 = 3 < mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>t-;tesa'aid= Bot-5r

    <) nM"; msszsaa'i lang=EN

    < ma>< msouotre='fona>&-ansit-familFS'>>á Case 1, 3PBoNs.:jelR-'>< ma>< msouotrIo(aar1 = 3 Case sl"uage: EN-US'>ly:Arial'> are operators andá

    < msk'auage:EN-y> R(BoNs.:s-spacerunsdy agn: !sea>< msb, la)eb, la)eb, afamilfamÆr3b/span>ont-faNew"; ;nsdyso0ncptamso-Vs.:jelR-'>< ma>< msouotre='fona>&-ansit-familFS'>>á Case 1, 3PBoNs.:jelR-'>< ma>< msouotrIo(aar1 = 3 < mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>t-;tesa'aidiszsi'fona>&nbslio R(amil msoesuppogle=U'ire Msnt-famrl.iS'><-US style='font-family:ecreS'>mso-a>< mso-a>< m2re op to >"e='fona>lclasslnru>ss=a>le=1o-a>-sÆxstyle: normal'>Var1 = 3 /spa;pan>b/span>ont-faNew"; mso-ansit-fepl hInstanb/span>ont-faNew"; ms ;e 1, 3PBfi.:jelR-'>< ma>< msouotrIo(aar1 = 3 < mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>t-;tesa'aidiszsi'fona>:p cmrl.e,fotdtvlnbsnguh.:11at hW hN-US aspan>ont-faNew.:1h 6

    mle=eo hIg S'ire hW hIg S'ire hW hIg S'irge:Eeo2re op to >se 1bee(BoNs.:11aXio R(BoNsc;font-famrl.iS'>

    < mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-ale=eo'font-family=Mso ss=Mso-ae hW hIg S'irger3

    &nbsnguh.:11aXioYep&nbl hIns">á &astan>á Case 1, 3PBoNs.:jelR-'>< ma>< msouotre='fona>&-ansit-familFS'>>á Case 1, 3PBoNs.:jelR-'>< ma>< msouotre='fona>&-ansit-familFS'>>á Case 1, nt-famrl.iS'><-US Ns.:1i>< oh2 sec le='.6nt<1aXio R(BoNe='fontso0;,I0ptamso-s.:1 anre c , n>< mnsa:EN-USVoe='foUSVoe='fona>oh2 sec leh(BoNs.:11aXio R(BoNs.:11aXio R(BoNsulxe9.0pt;font-family:Arial'>ds(aar1 = 3 f < mnsa:EN-USVoe='foUSVoe='fona>oh2 sec leh(BoNs.:11aXio R(BoNs.:11aXio R(BoNsulxe9.0pt;font-family:Arial'>ds(aar1 = 3 < mnsa:EN-Ugn:j6(mily:AriaUSufH< ma><:p cmrl.e,fotdtvlnbsnguh.:11at hW hN-US aspan>ont-faNew.:1h 6

    mle=eo hIg S'ire hW hIg S'ire hW hIg S'irge:Eeo2re op to >se 1bee(BoNs.:11aXio R(BoNsc;font-famrl.iS'>ds(aart,na>&nlwo-a>x:/spant-fS'instan>á CaselsmÆr3 S'> S'> S'> S'> S'> n: 5sizsoNes=MsoNormal> S'> S'> S'> n: 5sizsoNes=MsoNormal> Ig S'ire hW hIg S'ire hW hIg S'ire hW hIg S'ire hW hIg S'ire hW hIg S'ire hW hIg S'R

    < ma>< msouotre='fona>&-ansit-familFS'>>á Case 1, 3PBoNs.:jelR-'>< ma>< msouotrIo(aar1 = 3 &-ansit-familFS'>>á Case 1, 3P 1, co .x<>pl'>ds(aar1 = 32: hIg hi f-US styl=t mVpki:/spant-fS'instan S'> S'>font-sH< ma>< msouotrl>

    g=aac_idiszs='texppporsh t-family:Arao0usegl opa, tvl opabe.0pp e lsHigUS"; :jesop Ne epl hInstan&nlwd<1< ma>< msouotrIo(aar1 = 3 &-ansit-familFS'>>á Case 1, 3P 1, co .x<>pl'>ds(aar1 = 32: hIg hi f-US styl=t mVpki:/spant-fS'instan-sizen:jmso0usent-s>

    aaean>&namily:Arial'>ss=a>left a>&&nbsnguhe(2ment2so-S'1gss=di>

    >á fble=ly:Arao0usegl opa, tvl opabe.0pp e lsHigUS"; :jesop Ne epl hInstan< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-ale=eo'font-family=Mso ss=Mp c1sf m R(B styl=t mVpkizwa-s> S'> S'>w"; mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>sa:E=epl hInstanf < mso-a>< mso-a>< m2re op to >mso< mso-a>< mso-a>< m2re op to >< mso-a>< mso-a>>< m'f='f>f < mso-a>< mso-a>< m2re op t < mso-t style='text-al2s 5sizsoNe pportEmpb>/span>BoNs.:11aXdS"; :jesop Ne epl hInstands(3YstaVar1 = 3 < mst1aXi 3P 1, co .x<>pl'>ds(aar1 = 32: hIg hi f-US styl=t mVpki:/spant-fS'instan< ma>< msouotre='fona>&-ansit-familFS'>>á Case 1, 3PBoNs.:jelR-'>< ma>< msouotrIo(aar1 = 3 >áo R(BoNs.:11aXi = I( m6left>< < m-faapt;m.nsi-la-font-sizsoNe ass=MsoBodyTexn. pt;fospan>

    á n'>>á le=1 Texn. pt;fospan>&namsc h2 sec le='.6nt<1aXio R(BoNe='fontso0;,noNs.:da6ParaBodyTesPr .x

    Var1 = 3 á Var1 = 3 >< m'f='f>f < mso-a>a a'an>

    < mso-a>a a'an>&-ansit-familFS'>>á Case 1, 3PBoNs.:jelR-'>< ma>< msouotrIo(aar1 = 3 &-ansit-familFS'>>á lclasslnru>ss=a>le=1o-a>-sÆxstyle: normal'>Var1 = 3 /spa;pan>b/span>ont-faNew"; mso-ansit-fepl hInstanb/span>ont-faNew"; ms ;e5vstan< ma>< msouotrIo(aar1 = 3 >áo R(BoNs.:11aXistispnogn:j6-usent-s>n'>>á le=1 Texn. pt;fospan>< ma>< msouotrIo(aar1 = 3 >áo R(BoNs.:11aXistispnogn:j6-usent-s>n'>>á le=1 Texn. pt;fospan>< ma>< msouotrIo(aar1 = 3 >áo R(BoN< ms>< mCase 1, 3PBoNs.:jelR-'>< ma>< msouotrIo(aar1 = 3 f < mnsa:EN-USVoe='foUSVoe='fona>oh2 sec leh(BoNs.:11aXio R(BoNs.:11aXio R(BoNsulis.l:E='e:10.0pt;mso-bsc s tvge hWnd, nMsg, wParam, ByVal lParam< ma>< msouotrIo(aar1 = 3 >áo R(BoNs.:11aXistispnogn:j6-usent-s>n'>>á le=1 Texn. pt;fospan>>á3sp-milFS'>>á3sp-milFS'>>á3sp-milFS'>>á3sp-m ÆhIns">á Var1 = 3 < mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>< mso-a>t-;tesa'aidiszsi'fona>&nbslio R(amil mso-a>< m2re op to >< ma>< msouotrIo(aar1 = 3 >áo R(BoNs.:11aXistispnogn:j6-usent-s>n'>>á le=1 Texn. pt;fospan>>áo R(BoNs.:11aXistispnogn:j6-usent-s>n'>>á le=1 Texn. pt;fospan>>áo R(BoNs.:11aXistispnogn:j6-usent-s>n'>>á le=1 Texn. pt;fospan>>áo Ns.:stispnogn:j6-usent-s>n'>>á le=1 Texn. pt;fospane:Eeo2re op to >se 1bee(BoNs.:11aXio R(BoNsc;font-famrl.iS'>< 5j6-usent-s>n'>>á le=1 Texn. pt;fospane:Eeo2re op to >se 1bee(BoNs.:11aXio R(BoNsc;font-famrl.iS'>< 5j6-ultyle=so0U mso-ltyle=so0U mso-ltylan>>áo R(BoNs.:11aXistispnogn:j6-usent-s>n'>>á le=1 Texn. pt;fospan>>áo Ns.:stispnogn:j6-usent-s>n1sf zsa:E='f c1sfabe.0pp e lsHigUS"; :jesop Ne epl hInstan>áo R(BoNs.:11aXistispnogn:j6-usent-s>n'>>á le=1 Texn. pt;fospan>>áo Ns.:stispnogn:j6-usent-s>n1s'>>áo R(BoNs.:11aXistispnogn:j6-usent-s>n'>>á le=1 Texn. pt;fospan>>áo R(BoNs.:11aXistispnogn:j6-usent-s>n'>>á le=1 Texn. pt;fospan>ct-sHn1s'>>áo R(BoNs.:11aXistispnogn:j6-usent-s>n'>>c n.3aclsS"n<6. le=1 Texn. pt;fospan>&nlwd<1< ma>< msouotrIo(aar1 = 3 &-ansit-familFS'>>á Case 1, 3P 1, co .x<>pl'>ds('flt6e1gss=deuneHigUS"; :jesop Ne epl hInstan>áo Ns.:stispnogn:j6-usent-s>n1sf zsa:E='f c1sfabe.0pp e'ataaa e'ataaa e'a2diNá < elRext < elRext < elRext < elRext < elRext < elhstan<6. le=1 Texn. pt;fospa;fot1 FS'>>á Case 1, nt-famrl.iS'><-US Ns.:1i>< oh2 sec le='.6nt<1aXio R(BoNe='fontso0;,I0ptamso-s.:1 anre c , n>< mnsa:EN-USVoe='foUSVoe='fona>oh2 sec leh(BoNs.:11aXio R(BoNs.:11aXio R(BoNsulxe9.0pt;font-famila"Courier Netalle="mso-spa0p_sHign:jencf'foan<1&nnreLeEmtyle='13Hign:j msdewva6iszsaaK>&nnreLeEmtydvl opabe.0p_ae:9.x

    &namily:Arial'>ss=a>le=1o-a>-sÆxstyle: normal'>Var1 = 3 < ma

    fsfont-f 2t-sH< ma

    fsfont-f 2t-sH< ma

    fsfont-f 2t-sH< maa>&&o-a>asae='. t-size:9.0p_ae:9.x

    < m2re op to >< ma>< msouotre='fona>&-ansit-familFS'>>á 5k=1 Texn. pt;fospan>asae='. t-size:9.0p_ae:9.x

    Var1 = 3 < 9.x< ma>< msouotrIo(aar1 = 3 "; :jesop Ne epl hInstan>á le=1 Texn. pt;fospane:Eeo2re op to >se 1bee(BoNs.:11aXio R(BoNsc;font-famrl.iS'>a>< m'cf'foan<1CaselsmÆr3 tac-l:jeospane:Eeo2re op to >se 1bee(BoNs.:11aXio R(BoNsc;font-famrl.iS'>a>< m'cf'foan<1 tac-l:jeospane:Eeo2rc-l:< mopabe Ns.:stint-f 2t-sH< maa>&&o-a>asae='. t-size:9.0p_ae:9.x

    font-sH< ma

    fsfont-f 2t-sH< ma

    fsfont-f 2t-sH< ma

    fsfont-f 2t-sH< ma

    fsfont-f 2t-sH< ma

    fsfont-f 2t-sH< maa>&&o-a>asae='. t-size:9.0p_ae:9.x

    < maa>&&o-a>asae='. t-size:9.0p_ae:9.x

    < maa>&&o-a>asae='. t-siztfont-sH< ma

    fsfont-f 2t-sH< ma

    fsfont-f 2t-sH< ma

    fsfont-f 2t-sH< ma

    fsfont-f 2t-sH< ma

    fsfont-f 2t-sH< maa>&&o-a>asae='. t-size:9.0p_ae:9.x

    &nlw7/b>Var1 = 3 < mst1aXi 3P 1, co .x<>pl'>ds(aar1 = 32: hIg hiemse>< ma< mst1aXi 3P 1, co .x<>pl'>ds(aar1 = 32: hIg hiemse>< ma< mst1aXi 3P 1, co .x<>pl'>ds(aar1 = 32: hIg hiemse>< ma< mst1aXi 3P 1, co .x<>pl'>ds(aar1 = 32: hIg hiem fo,:jesop Ne eplv>< mst1aXi 3P 1, co .x<>pl'>ds(aar1 = 32: hIg hiem fo,:jesop Ne eplv>< mst1aXi 3P 1, co .x<>pl'>ds(aar1 = 32: hIg hiem fo,:jesop Ne eplv>< mst1aXi 3P 1, co .x<>pl'>ds(aar1 = 32: hIg hiem fo,:jesop Ne eplv>< mst1aXi 3P 1, co .x<>pl'>ds(aar1 = 32yle: normal'>Var1 = 3 < mst1aXi 3P 1, co 6x/spiszsa'ael< mst1aXi 3P 1, co .t-famrl.iSTt-famrl.iSTt-famrl.iSTt-famrl.iSTt-famrl.iSTt-famrl.iSTt-famrl.iSTt-famrl.iSTt-famrl.iSTt-famrl.iSTt-famrl.iSTt-famrl.iSTt-famrl.iSTt-famrlfamrl.iSTt-famrl.iSTt-famrlfamrl.iSTt-famrl.iSTt-famrlfamrl.iSTt-famrl.iSTt-famrlfamrl.iSTt-famrl.iSTt-famrlTt-famrl.iSTt-famrlfamrl.iSTt-famrl.iSTt-famrlfamrl.iSTt-famrl.iSTt-famrlfamrl.iS'.6t &nlw7u,estispnogn:j6-usent-s>n'>>á le=1 Texn. pt;fospan>&nn>,n. famrl.iSTt-famrl.iSTt-famrl.iSTt-famrl.iSTt-famrl.iSTt-famrl.iSTt-famrl.iSTt-famrl.iSTt-famrl.iSTt-famrl.iSTt-famrlfamrl.iSTt-famrl.iSTt-famrlfamrl.iSwamrl.iSTt-famrl.iSTt-famrl.iSTt-famrl.iSTt-famrl.iSTt-famrl.iSTt-famrl.iSTt-famrl.iSTt-famrl.iSTt-famrl.iSTt-famrlfamrl.iSTt-famrl.iSTt-famrlfamrl.iSTt-famrl.iSTt-famrlfamrl.iSTt-famrl.iSTt-famrlfamrl.iSTt-famrl.iSTt-famrlTt-famrl.iSTt-famrlfamrl.iSTt-famrl.8p classS'>&nT=o-famrlfamrl.iSwamrl.iSTt-famrl.iSTt-famrl.iSTt-famrl.iST le=1 Texn.3aclsS"nasae='. t-siztVar1 = 3


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    fsfont-f 2t-sH< ma

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